♒ Do's & Don'ts For Aquarius Season!

♒ Do's & Don'ts For Aquarius Season!

Happy Birthday Season to all you Aquarians! ♒

As if on cue, the Sun enters Aquarius at more or less the same time as the modern co-ruler of Aquarius, Uranus, goes direct. We couldn’t have planned this better, although it’s a little unsettling as well. Why?

Well, this is a double-dose of rebellious and unpredictable energy, and we do have to manage it wisely if we don’t want to end up with regrets.


• It’s time to hang out with your friends and communities! Getting texting and make sure that you set aside time to spend with the people that you love and adore. The people who you feel share your unique dreams, ideals and visions. There’s nothing Aquarius loves more than being with their favorite groups. 

• Be you. Your most unique and unconventional self. The part of you that has always wanted to be a little weird, well, let them come out to play. 



 • Allow anxiety or overthinking to swallow you whole. That’s the one downside of this clever and brilliant sign – it does tend to use the old mind a little too much.

• Assume you know everything. Aquarius does that, sometimes. It’s known as their God complex, and it does tend to get the better of us during this season.

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