Astrology & Religion

Then God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night, and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years”
~ Genesis 1:14
Astrology and the Church have always been uneasy bedfellows, though there are various references throughout biblical texts to working with the Sun, Moon and Stars. Many religious people these days are more open-minded, realising that it is simply a language to understand what may be happening in our lives at any point.
However, many more people still relegate Astrology to devilish fortune-telling and predictive work such as monthly horoscopes are still thought to be evil in nature. It can be unsettling, of course, when someone familiar with Astrology can tell someone who is not familiar, what their most personal qualities are, or what may come up in the future, especially when the prediction turns out to be true!
However, Astrology is not magic, wishy-washy, psychic trick. It simply involves learning the symbology of the planets and putting it all together rather rationally, much like learning a language. It’s a language of the cosmos and may be seen to be imparted to mankind to help us navigate and understand the chaotic order of the Universe. As famous Astrologer, Robert Zoller said:
“It is not merely a system of fortune-telling, nor yet a science devoid of spiritual import. It is divination in the ancient and true sense –the art of communicating with and eventually coming to know the Divine.” ~
Astrology and the church
Astrology has gone through many deaths and re-births and is currently back in an “upswing”. The most recent time period that Astrology was popular was at the birth of the Renaissance when the Cosmos was reflected in the art and literature of that time and Astrology and Astronomy was blended and learnt in Universities.
Astrologers famously held court with royalty and were consulted in all important matters of state. It was common knowledge that Kings and Queens would consult an Astrologer before battles, marriages and other important decisions. Of course, with the rise of the Church around the 1700s, Astrology began to be seen by the priesthood to be far too powerful, too influential and so the Church set about destroying the reputation of Astrology.
The Bible and Astrology
The Bible has a difficult relationship to Astrology. There are various conflicting biblical quotes which create conflict for most staunch believers.
For example, when Jesus was born, the Three Wise Men, ostensibly from Asia where Persian Astrology was very developed, sighted a “star in the sky” which led them to believe a King had been born. Modern Astrologers attribute this Star as the joining of the planet Jupiter and Venus in a particular constellation, which, over many years of recording other, similar configurations, has been shown to mean that someone born at this exact time and place had the potential to be a great leader. The quote goes as follows:
Also, it goes on to say:
However, when we consult the Old Testament, frightening quotes clearly outline how Astrology was expressly forbidden –
~Leviticus 19:26
“There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, one who uses divination, one who practices witchcraft, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, or one who casts a spell, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead.”
Then, we have some other conflicting quotes such as:
“When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have ordained;”
~Psalm 8:3
And so, whilst Astrology has been acknowledged as very real and possessing power in the holy texts, believers are warned to stay away, at least until the coming of Jesus.
Astrology and Christianity
