8 Talismans Across the Globe You Should Know About

8 Talismans Across the Globe You Should Know About

Customized jewelry has always been a staple in expressing one’s individuality beautifully. There’s something about being able to wear your pride in many ways that can be very fulfilling. For many, an astrology talisman can mean much more than simple fashion.

In fact, there are many beliefs across the globe that put more significance into talismans. Different cultures see different symbols and meanings, and each talisman has historic roots and many perceived benefits. If you’re interested in learning more about what these mean before donning them yourself, read on for the most known talismans.


Arguably among the most popular symbols from Egyptian history, this symbol has its roots in hieroglyphics. It is believed to represent the harmony of heaven and earth, serving as one’s means of entry to a good afterlife.


This imagery literally represents the Hindu God Ganesha, who rules over beginnings. Ganesha is referred to as the patron of intellectuals. For those wearing the talisman, it is supposed to enable new opportunities and aid in getting past challenges.

Evil Eye

This may sound intimidating to the uninformed but the Evil Eye is actually made to deflect negativity, especially when coming from envious onlookers. Certain beliefs note that it will bounce back the bad luck into the looker with malintent at their heart. Its origins trace back to Ancient Greece but you will usually see this in jewelry from Central Asia, Europe, and the Middle East.

Hand of Hamsa

The Hand of Hamsa has Arabic origins and is customarily seen in jewelry and as decorative pieces. When it is upright, it is meant to welcome prosperity and goodness into the wearer or owner’s life. On the flip side (literally), a downward-facing Hamsa Hand is meant to protect one against evil and hatred.


The ever-popular waving cat of Japanese origins, whose paw moves up and down continuously, is meant to be a bringer of luck. Its movement is meant to beckon good fortune into the space where it resides. You usually see this in restaurants as it is also said to bring in customers as a means of prosperity.

Star of David

This Jewish symbol may be most associated with religion, but it is also meant to represent the protection of everything under the sun. The upper and lower halves combine to meet masculinity and femininity, the sky and the earth, and fire and water.

Though often referred to as one, the Star of David is different from the Seal of Solomon. The former is a hexagram while the latter is a pentagram.

Sacred Heart

Catholicism has made this one of the most recognizable talisman symbols out there. It is meant to represent the heart of Jesus, whose love and sacrifice are shown in the imagery of the symbol. Religious followers see this as an object of reverence due to its representation of suffering to save humanity.

Your Birth Chart Talisman

Consider it a blue print to your soul - your birth chart talisman is customized uniquely to your date, place, and time of birth so no two are alike. Carrying around such a powerful representation of self can help you stay grounded as the stars shift and help you radiate your own cosmic energy. Check out the ones from Ephemeris here.

Final Thoughts

Now, you’ll know the symbolism and story behind each talisman icon you may come across. If you want more personalized pieces, you could go for a horoscope talisman that matches your birth chart. There are many ways to represent yourself, bring in good vibes, and look good doing it.

If you want the perfect astrology talisman tailored to you, check out Ephemeris. We customize every piece with accurate references to fit each client.

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