It’s time for the messenger of the Gods to change signs. He’s flying on winged feet from glamorous, creative Leo into meticulous, grounded Virgo. This is one of his ‘home signs’ (the other one being airy Gemini), making him extra-strong during his three weeks here.
So, with Mercury coming back home, we can all reap the rewards and pleasures of having our thinking planet in such a reasonable, sensible, practical sign. Mercury in his other home sign - Gemini - may be said to be a little too flighty, too intellectually busy without the grounding effect of level-headed Virgo.
Mercury’s transit also always signifies what we tend to be thinking of during his time in any particular sign. What does Virgo think of? Well, because it’s a classical problem-solving sign,our heads will naturally turn towards fixing issues, finding solutions and coming up with realistic, well-thought out plans. Virgo is very often associated with the sign of the counselor and helper, making this period one in which we can give and receive brilliant, well-thought out advice.
Now, let’s take a look on individuals insights into what the stars have in store for each sign during 24 - 30 July 2023:
The start of the week is oh-so-passionate, so go on and indulge yourself. Enjoy flirting. Play. Get sexy. Use those words to lure a new or old lover in. But, be aware that as fun as this game can be, you may also be changing your mind a mile a minute. It’s a little disconcerting, in all honesty. Be extra careful that you’re not throwing caution completely to the wind. If there’s a creative project that you need to get off the ground, be aware that it may turn out in a way that you never expected.
Mercury connects to Uranus this week, who’s currently reviewing your sign. This is a tricky dynamic, and you need to be aware that you may be the one that’s throwing things out of order. Of course you don’t mean to. You’re usually so reliable, stable and cautious, but we all have our moments. Be gentle on yourself. Don’t make promises that you can’t keep, especially with family. No matter how good your intentions are, things could still go upside down.
It’s all about your ruler, Mercury, this week. He joins forces with Venus, indicating a sweet, romantic energy, especially when it comes to the words that you speak. If you’re single, this is an ideal moment for flirting with someone special. If not, then flirt with your sweetie. They’ll love being showered with compliments, and vice versa. Later on in the week, Mercury heads into his other home, a sign of Virgo, indicating that it’s time for you to clean up your house - literally and figuratively. So what are you waiting for? Go on and get to work.
It’s time to make some material decisions. Yet, you need to be curious that you’re not going over the top and getting a little ahead of yourself. Temper any indulgence with a healthy dose of realism. Whatever you do, don’t make any split-second choices, based on a whim. The cosmic energy is such that you could all too easily come to regret it. By the end of the week, you’ll have your feet right back on the ground. Phew.
LEO ♌︎
Almost all the cosmic action is in your very own sign this week, so go on and get ready! Mercury and Venus connect together in a conjunction, lending a sweet, romantic, communicative energy to the mix. Anything you say at the moment will be taken in exactly the right way, so use your words generously. You’re speaking straight from the heart right now, and it’s clear for everyone to see. As the week wears on, your grand ideas ask to be channeled into tangible reality. So, get working. You know you want to.
Mercury, your ruler, heads into your sign this week. This is an annual visit - one that you need to make work to your greatest advantage. For the last few weeks, you may have found yourself in a very reflective space, not quite ready to venture forth and share your mind. That all changes now. Now, all the right words are coming, and you’re quite sure about where you’re headed. You’re making the best decisions for yourself, and if that means being a little selfish, then maybe you need to reframe your thinking.
This week, Mercury meets up with your ruler, Venus, in a lovely conjunction aspect. Unfolding in your social sector, this means that you’re not going to be short of event invitations and great conversations with friends and acquaintances alike. Sure, there’ll also be a few ups and downs, perhaps some unexpected changes, but it’s nothing that you can’t handle. Enjoy each moment because by the time the week comes to an end, you’ll be more than ready to go into a more reclusive, quiet space.
All you can really do this week is shake your head and get on with your own business. People may be acting completely out of character, but that’s not your problem. If someone close to you is changing their mind every few moments, let them. They’ll calm down by the end of the week and may even come to apologize for the things that they said. Focus on your career - that’s the area that will give you the most satisfaction, even if that means coming up with some new, creative ideas about where you see yourself going.
You’re dreaming big this week. And why shouldn’t you? Yet, be mindful that changing your mind every few moments about the next adventure may only end up unsettling you. You still have duties, tasks, routines that you need to get on top of. Find the balance between freedom and work instead of hopping between extremes. By the end of the week, work seems to take precedence as you find your way back to reality. Don’t worry - this is going to be a good thing.
A generous offer that you make this week may have you backtracking in panic as you consider the consequences of said offer. Should you have gone there? Probably not. But you seemed to have done this from a space of love, so don’t fret. You may need to explain that you were a little hasty though. Those who know you will understand and take it in their stride. Your mind will soon turn to different topics, anyway. You’ll start reflecting on the whys and wherefores of your actions, bringing a more philosophical element to your world by the end of the week.
Mercury and Venus come together in a lovely conjunction this week, smack bang in your relationship sector. A partner or dearly beloved friend seems to have some wonderful things to say to you, so don’t you go and defer that love. It’s uncomfortable to accept praise, but you absolutely deserve it. Plus, this will help when said friend or lover changes their mind out of the blue. A domestic situation seems tricky, so try and approach it with a flexible attitude. You’ll figure things out soon enough.
Mercury cruises into your relationship sector this week, bringing a compromising, easy energy to your connections. You’re usually quite a good listener, but with this transit, even more so. In fact, you may be so prone to receiving the advice of others that you forget to take your own. Don’t get too lost in the opinions of others. Whilst what they say has value, you have your own unique brand of intuition that’s of incredible importance. Listen to it.
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