Weekly Astrological News & Horoscope | 3 - 9 April, 2023

Weekly Astrological News & Horoscope | 3 - 9 April, 2023

Aroooo! Can you hear the howl of the Full Moon in Libra? Full Moon weeks are always supercharged with energy, and there’s usually all kinds of culminations and climaxes. This particular Full Moon harks back to seeds planted around 6 months ago at the New Moon in Libra. During September 2022, new relationships are to be formed and some also fall apart so that space could be made for something better. 

Now, ‘better’ doesn’t necessarily mean partnered up. Sometimes, ‘better’ is being solo. We all know that Libra is the quintessential relationship sign, and so that’s what this Full Moon is all about. 


We may suddenly fall in or out of love, or realize that it’s been that way for quite some time already. Now is just the time to make decisions. decisions are never easy when it comes to the sign of Libra, as they see all sides to a story. This makes it hard for them to get off the fence and make their mind up. 

So, now that we know the vibe of this Full Moon, let’s take a look on individuals insights into what the stars have in store for each sign:



This Full Moon is important for you. You see, the Sun is in your very own sign, conjunct abundant Jupiter. As such, you may be filled with an inner fire, roaring and ready to strike out on your own independent mission. But have you considered the needs of others? More importantly, do you have to? Are they people that you want to fight for? If so, find a way to make it all come into balance.  


This Full Moon has your ruler, Venus, still very closely connected to Uranus. Thus, you might be feeling restless – still – and ready to do something out of the ordinary. Go ahead and be extraordinary. You, more than most, need to break out of your comfort zone. There’s an imaginative and visionary energy available for you to draw upon this week, if you just reach out for it. Your community may also be a source of inspiration for you at the moment. 


Your ruler, Mercury, is behaving beautifully this week. He makes two sextiles to both Saturn and Neptune, inviting grounded, practical thinking with a twist of creativity. It looks like you’re coming up with all these clever ideas behind the scenes, and when you’re ready, you’ll share them with the world at large. Your career or calling is bound to receive the greatest benefits from these cosmic energies. A culmination of a friendship, romantic relationship or project also seems to be on the cards for you. 


There’s a wound in you this week that you simply have to deal with. Don’t be afraid of exposing this wound or sharing it with the world. In fact, be proud that you have the courage to be able to do this. When we dare to step into the light, we inspire others to do the same. We carry the weight of a noble responsibility. Choices need to be made now, particularly when it comes to the home/life balance. 

LEO ♌︎

Your ruler, the Sun, is connected to the Wounded Healer, Chiron, this week. This can go one of two ways. Firstly, it could be something that is very healing for you. A spiritual teaching, perhaps, a workshop or a course may be just the thing that you need right now to soothe your soul.  Maybe you’re lucky enough to be travelling, which could also throw up a healing crisis of sorts. Stay with yourself this week and push through it the other side - there’s light at the end of the tunnel. 


Your relationships are a source of wisdom, depth and inspiration this week, Virgo. Your conversations are deep and meaningful, which leads to closer connections. Deciding on your philosophies on life might be just the thing that allows for a whole new paradigm to be birthed. Yet, you need to be the one to initiate these conversations, or else the opportunity will simply pass you by. It’s also important that you release old values that don’t bring balance into your world anymore. 


A Full Moon in your sign is a big deal. It means that something very important is coming to a culmination, likely a relationship. Decisions are hard for you, but you can’t keep running away from them. Allow others to help you make a choice, but know that the final resolution lies in your hands, and your hands only. A little hint from the Universe is that it’s time to choose for yourself. Yes, you value your relationships, but this Full Moon focuses solely on you. 


This Full Moon may be rather intense for you. It indicates that certain things – situations, circumstances, relationships – are probably coming to the end of their cycle. At least, in the form that they’re in now. It’s time to let go of deadweight and baggage, and to find a balance within. You may also need to look at how much energy you’re giving to work or your day to day and find rest, release and relaxation before you burn out. This Full Moon urges you to take better care of your wellbeing. 


You may find that an old wound comes up for you this week, particularly around love and relationships. It’s your choice as to what you’d like to do with this wound. Do you want to give into it and let it affect your future relationships negatively? Or would you like to use this as an opportunity to heal? Whether it’s’ something from the past or the present, now would be your moment to empower yourself. 


Being someone who usually highly prizes your work and reputation, you might be pleased to know that this Full Moon is likely to give you the spotlight that you're craving. Or at the very least, the validation that is due to you. If there’s something you’ve been working towards for the last several months, then this is when you shine. Yet, it does seem like there are certain decisions that need to be made, between your personal life and your public one. 



Those opinions of yours? It’s time to chuck some of them away, because they just simple don’t serve you anymore. A more balanced view needs to be cultivated at this Full Moon, and it might be that someone else is offering that. You don’t much like taking instruction, but if it comes from someone you admire and appreciate, then you’ll accept it. See this as a chance to learn and grow. Being the eternal student yourself, you know that you can benefit from this cosmic energy. 


A material culmination seems to be on your doorstep with this Full Moon. Maybe you’ve been working towards a sense of security and stability for the last several months, and now’s the time when that can be fulfilled. Yet, you’ll have to find some sort of balance between what you have, what you possess, versus what you share with theirs. There’s pressure to make a decision, and the best route would be to find a win-win situation for everyone. 

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Margarita Celeste 
  A passionate, practicing Astrology Teacher and Consultant
  living in sunny Cape Town, South Africa. She has a special
 interest in Jungian based, Psychological Astrology, which emphasizes self-knowledge and individual growth. 
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