By Julie Ann Fae
Continuing my season of love themed posts in astrology, let's dive deeper into Venus in each of the 12 signs of the zodiac. Because it's the season of romance let's make this Princess theme style! (Note that royal matches do not reflect overall chart harmony; synastry is very complex!)
Venus in Aries
The Angry Princess
Venus in Aries can be comically impatient. Venus in Aries is the angry princess, the one who will run to the window and scream out "Are you coming yet???", "Where the hell are you???" Or, perhaps even just jump on its own horse and ride into the forest all on their own to find their own darn prince for themselves. It's a wild and fiery Venus that can come in handy when it comes to physical fitness, motivating others, and taking actions. But putting the planet of love and beauty with the warrior king can be tricky at times to work positively with another. As long as Venus in Aries curbs their impatience-o-meter, they can make things work...albeit with someone who respects they can sometimes be a slightly angry princess.
Your Royal Matches: Venus in Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius,Gemini, or Libra
Venus in Taurus
The Queenly Princess
Venus in Taurus is the princess who is really a Queen. Here, Venus can enjoy pleasures and life's little luxuries, trusting and allowing with patience to pass on what's good for great. Venus in Taurus here is also (for the most part) good with money management, and knows how to save for their castle. If there is any concern here it's that sometimes the princess can become a little bit ::too self indulgent::: and forsake the needs of others for their own.This is the princess who wants their bubble bath with their chocolate cake, red wine, and roses strewn on the bathtub floor. It's a beautiful placement for Venus but one that needs a good royal match to respect their Princess-Queenly ways.
Your Royal Matches: Venus in Taurus, Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer, Virgo, or Capricorn
Venus in Gemini
The Multitasking Princess
Venus in Gemini is what I would call the "multitasking" princess. A Venus in Gemini princess can handle a variety of different friend groups, reading three books at the same time, and indulging in curious conversations across three Facebook groups. Friendship is important to Venus in Gemini, and they will want their lover to be able to get along well with their friends or at least have a healthy appreciation for their need to be around them and spend time with them in their life. If there is any caution here, it's that all of this variability can be quite ungrounded! So grounding is VERY key for Venus Gems.
Your Royal Matches: Venus in Gemini, Aquarius, Libra, Leo, Sagittarius, or Aries
Venus in Cancer
The Caretaking Princess
Your Royal Matches: Venus in Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, Virgo, Capricorn, or Taurus

Venus in Virgo
The Helpful Princess
Venus in Virgo here is helpful and service oriented. She likes things "just so" and their love language would most definitely be "acts of service". Patience is key with a Venus in Virgo as they aren't into doing or indulging in things until they feel it meets their satisfaction. They are also not showy and into the bravado as a Venus in Leo would be, and this humility gives them a really beautiful quality. Their requests are humble, yet self assured.You need to carefully understand what they want, or help them quell their perfectionistic ways to overcome inhibitions at times. However, once you do make it into their princess court, you very much have their heart. They will be so loyal to you, and deeply committed. Virgo loves being of service and this Venus placement brings them no greater pleasure than serving you and making you happy.
Your Royal Matches: Venus in Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn, Scorpio, Pisces, or Cancer
Venus in Libra
The Flirtatious Princess
Venus in Libra is a home placement for Venus, like Venus in Taurus. Here, it is free to flirt, be romantic, and revel in beauty, aesthetics, and peaceful duality. It's a beautiful placement for Venus and one whose only dilemma is when will I see my love next? Here, Venus is patient, still, thoughtful, and calm. She carefully considers what is for the best of the duo (sometimes to her detriment) and she makes decisions fairly and with love in mind. She is well dressed, articulate, and fair. This Venus placement, like Venus in Leo, does well with dating and exploring many partners before settling down. Venus likes the chase and until she has gotten that out of her system she might be tempted to still pursue the chase, even while committed or trying to settle down. She will settle down in her own time, thank you very much.
Your Royal Matches: Venus in Libra, Gemini, Aquarius, Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius
Venus in Scorpio
The Plotting Princess
Venus in Scorpio is the "plotting princess". Here, she is slightly sinister, but also powerful, driven, ambitious, and transformational. She's just a little bit obsessive here...she likes to know everythingggg about you. With Pluto being the planet that loves research she will stalk you if she likes you, and stalk you even if she loves you. That obsessive quality has to be something you love and like to be with her .This is also the type of Princess that appears dark, yet has overcome a lot. She uses the power of her deep emotions to make intuitive decisions and form close knit bonds. However, you need to be prepared you may never truly know her. After all, Scorpios likes its secrets, and even those closest to her surely may not know all of hers. In fact, she likes it better that way.
Your Royal Matches: Venus in Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer, Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn

Venus in Sagittarius
The Playful Princess
Venus is Sagittarius is like the inner child princess. She's more fiery than her mutable cousin, Venus in Pisces and sometimes can get caught up in love for the sake of a higher ideal or higher truth. However, she likes to have fun and be expressive of the joys of life. This princess wants to travel, sample new foods, and try new things. She needs a partner who is up for keeping things exciting, like Gemini, but not necessarily with getting too lost in facts and boredom. Her mind dwells in the energy of Aquarius (as it is third house from natal), and therefore she thinks inventively, and likes to keep things innovative. With Cancer occupying her 8th house, she transforms through self care and devotion to family. After all that travel a princess needs to come home, rest her crown and take a nap!
Your Royal Matches: Venus in Sagittarius, Aries, Leo, Aquarius, Gemini, or Libra
Venus in Capricorn
The Angsty Princess
Venus in Capricorn is the "I'm here, but don't ask me to be romantic” type of princess. She is governed more by Saturn, and therefore is more about rules, structure, order, and boundaries. There could even be a desire to don restricted clothing, like corsets and the like with this placement. There is pleasure in, well, restriction. Here, Saturn in Capricorn is very responsible too. This is the type of princess to be serious about career, but also deeply devoted to children, furbabies, and family. If there is any shadow side to this placement it's that sometimes love is meant to be free flowing, easy and non-rules bound. Venus in Capricorn needs to learn this, and try to quell down feeling angsty at times. Life can be more than all work and no play...but don't tell them that.
Your Royal Matches: Venus in Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus, Scorpio, Pisces, or Cancer
Venus in Aquarius
The Quirky Princess
Venus in Aquarius is the all out I-will-surprise-you princess. They are the ones to embrace new styles of love, don new and odd outfit pairings, and just all out not care what you think in the process. They can be rebellious and passionate about societal issues. They also really value their friend groups. Groups, communities, friendship circles....all are important to them and who they invite into their life as a lover will need to respect them too. Loving them is like joining a loving circle of their friends. They will always be there for you when you really need it, though. Just maybe not on your terms...and in the way you expect it. Also, keep in mind you aren't always the person they are helping, so if you are the jealous type...stay away.
Your Royal Matches: Venus in Aquarius, Libra, Gemini, Aries, Sagittarius, or Leo
Venus in Pisces
The Sleepy Princess
Venus in Pisces is a Neptune ruled princess. This means she needs her beauty sleep! Sleep and being able to return to the dream state is an important aspect for Venus Pisces. They are also equally happy to escape into a good movie, or romantic daydream. Here, Venus can play and be romantic and carefree because she can dream and not worry about reality. It's a beautiful, sensitive, dreamy placement for Venus. Although, she just needs to watch on taking too much of the energy of others and making sure she devotes time to health, self care and time for herself. After all, what is life without some healthy boundaries in place?
Your Royal Matches: Venus in Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer, Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn
Astrology is a great resource for understanding oneself and practicing self-awareness. If you are seeking to know yourself deeper, craving the hidden wisdoms astrology can provide, and make feel better knowings to self love, check out Julie Ann Fae on her website at for scheduling a reading. You can email contact her at Also, find all her latest magical links here!
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