Now this is what we’re talking about! What a fabulous, grand and abundant way to kick the week off. Venus and Jupiter are known as the ‘benefic’ planets in Astrology – meaning beneficial, good, great! It’s sweeter than sweet when they get together, with pleasure becoming a top priority for most of us.
Are there any downsides? Absolutely. The constant pursuit of pleasure might lead to our downfall if we don’t temper ourselves. After all, these two planets will be in the sign of Aries, a sign known for its impulsiveness.
So, with this in mind, let’s get individuals insights into what the planets have in store for each sign:
This may be the very best week of your year yet, Aries! With Venus and Jupiter coming together in your sign, you're practically on top of the world right now. Nothing is impossible. But just be mindful of taking too much of a gamble, okay?
Venus, your ruler, unites with Jupiter this week in a sparkling, spontaneous conjunction. This lends you happiness from within, a spiritual kind of joy. When we learn to access this inner wellspring, we never need to look outside of ourselves. Enjoy the feeling.
Mercury, your planetary ruler, connects with Saturn this week in a strong conjunction aspect. This is an excellent energy for teaching something, being a mentor or even taking on studies or structuring your knowledge into something concrete.
Career-wise, you’re flying this week. Nothing and no one can stop you from reaching the highest heights that you possibly can right now, and our creativity should be firing on all cylinders. Not to mention that you have the guts to go after what you want!
LEO ♌︎
Have that serious conversation this week, whether it’s with your bae, someone you work with or a close friend. The chances are very good that you’ll be able to make it through to the other side with a solid vision for the future.
Mercury, your ruler, is strong this week, bringing a fantastic problem-solving energy to your work and daily life. Turning your mind towards a long-term project is likely to yield excellent results, too. Look at you go!
This week, Venus connects with Jupiter in a very playful, happy and enthusiastic conjunction. This is a fabulous energy for your relationships, inviting warm connections and plenty of good times with the people you adore. Make the most of it.
If there’s a conversation that you’ve been meaning to have with a particular family member, partner or roommate, now would be the item to have. It may be stressful at first, but as you go along, you’ll soon realize that this was the best thing to do.
Your ruler Jupiter, is connected to by Venus this week in the sector of your chart linked to play, romance and fun. single or dating, spontaneous connections can be made and pleasure will be at the very top of your list of priorities.
Your ruler, Saturn, is being connected to by Mercury this week, making it an excellent time for financial or material decisions and plans. You have the gift of vision now, as well as groundedness and practicality.
With Mercury and Saturn coming together in your sign right now, you have even more wisdom and insight to offer the world. use those teaching abilities now, whatever your role is. Inspire others. Share your knowledge – people need it.
Mercury, planet of communication, moves into your sign this week. This is a highly imaginative energy and one that helps you to share your biggest and most creative ideas with the world. Be confident in yourself and your brilliant mind.